What type of punctuation is used to join two independent clauses to make a compound sentence?

question mark

I think A.

The answers above are for U-2 L-6.

The type of punctuation used to join two independent clauses to make a compound sentence is a semicolon. A semicolon is used to create a stronger connection between the two clauses than a period would, indicating that they are closely related. Here's how you can use a semicolon to form a compound sentence:

1. Identify two independent clauses, which are complete sentences that can stand alone.
Example: "She went to the store." and "He stayed at home."

2. Decide if the two independent clauses are closely related and could be combined into one sentence.
Example: "She went to the store; he stayed at home."

3. Place a semicolon between the two clauses to join them into a compound sentence.
Example: "She went to the store; he stayed at home."

By using a semicolon in this way, you can connect two independent clauses and create a compound sentence.

You will get 100% with the answers below!

1. D
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. D

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