which characteristics describe ancient Sumerian civilization? select all that apply

The characteristics that describe ancient Sumerian civilization include:

1. Developed the world's first known written language called cuneiform.
2. Invented the wheel, which had a significant impact on transportation and trade.
3. Established one of the earliest known systems of writing and record-keeping.
4. Pioneered advancements in mathematics, including the use of a number system based on the number 60.
5. Created complex and organized city-states, such as Ur and Uruk.
6. Built monumental architecture, including ziggurats - massive stepped structures serving as temples.
7. Developed a complex religious system with multiple gods and goddesses.
8. Established a well-developed agricultural system, utilizing irrigation techniques to support crop cultivation.
9. Introduced the concept of city planning and urban design.
10. Produced a rich body of literature, including the famous Epic of Gilgamesh - one of the earliest surviving written narratives.

To determine the characteristics of ancient Sumerian civilization, we can refer to historical texts and research. Here are the common characteristics associated with ancient Sumerian civilization:

1. Cuneiform Writing: The Sumerians developed one of the earliest known writing systems called cuneiform. They used wedge-shaped symbols impressed onto clay tablets to record information, such as laws, literature, and economic transactions.

2. City-States: Ancient Sumer was composed of several independent city-states, each with its own government and ruler. The city-states were urban centers characterized by massive temple complexes called ziggurats.

3. Agricultural Society: The Sumerians relied heavily on agriculture for sustenance. They developed advanced irrigation techniques, including canals and levee systems, to control the flow of water and increase agricultural yields.

4. Polytheistic Religion: The Sumerians believed in multiple gods and goddesses, and their religious practices were an integral part of daily life. Temples were centers for both religious ceremonies and administrative functions.

5. Epic Literature: The Sumerians produced a rich body of literature, including myths, legends, and epic poems. The most famous among these is the Epic of Gilgamesh, considered one of the earliest surviving works of literature.

6. Complex Government and Law: Sumerian city-states had complex political systems. The rulers held both religious and political authority. They implemented laws and established courts to maintain social order and resolve disputes.

7. Technological Innovations: The Sumerians made significant advancements in various fields. They developed the wheel, invented the plow, and used bronze extensively for tools and weapons. They also had a sophisticated system of mathematics and astronomy.

8. Trade and Commerce: Being situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the Sumerians were well-positioned for trade. They engaged in long-distance trade, exchanging goods like textiles, metals, and precious stones with neighboring regions.

By considering these characteristics, we can gain a deeper understanding of the ancient Sumerian civilization.
