Why does Neiterkob’s daughter most likely tell the myth "The Beginnings of the Maasai”?

To determine why Neiterkob's daughter most likely tells the myth "The Beginnings of the Maasai," we can analyze the key elements of the question:

1. Neiterkob: Neiterkob is the father mentioned in the question. From the context, we can assume that he is a central figure in the myth.

2. Daughter: The question specifies that Neiterkob's daughter tells the myth. This suggests that she has a close connection to the story and might play a significant role in it.

3. The Beginnings of the Maasai: This is the title of the myth that Neiterkob's daughter tells. From the context, we can infer that it is a creation myth relating to the origins of the Maasai people.

Based on these elements, we can establish a likely reason why Neiterkob's daughter tells this myth:

Neiterkob's daughter most likely tells the myth "The Beginnings of the Maasai" because she is part of the Maasai community and possesses knowledge of their origin story. As the daughter of Neiterkob, who may be a prominent figure within the myth, she is likely familiar with the details and traditions associated with the Maasai's beginnings. Thus, it is natural for her to inherit and pass down this important ancestral narrative to preserve their cultural heritage.