Other than hunting, Farming and (blank) became important skills necessary for population growth.

Other than hunting, farming and *insert missing skill* became important skills necessary for population growth.

To identify the missing skill, we need to consider activities that were essential for sustaining and supporting a growing population throughout history. A key skill that became important for population growth alongside farming is:

Animal husbandry.

Animal husbandry refers to the practice of breeding and caring for livestock. Early human societies realized that they could not only rely on hunting and gathering but could also domesticate animals for various purposes. By herding and breeding animals, humans were able to secure a consistent source of food, such as meat, milk, and animal byproducts like wool or leather.

Animal husbandry provided several benefits that contributed to population growth. Firstly, it allowed for a steady and reliable supply of protein-rich food from livestock. Moreover, it enabled early agricultural communities to harness animals' strength for plowing fields, transportation, and other manual labor tasks, easing the burden on humans. This, in turn, allowed for larger agricultural productions and the ability to support more individuals within a community.

So, the missing skill in the sentence is animal husbandry.