1. In what part of Africa did most fossil finds occur?

2. What environment factors may have led to the development of early humans in East Africa?

To answer the first question, about the part of Africa where most fossil finds occurred, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for reputable scientific sources: Look for research papers, articles, or books written by paleoanthropologists or experts in human evolution. These sources often provide information about the locations of major fossil finds.

2. Focus on regions known for significant fossil discoveries: Africa is known as the "cradle of humanity" as many important hominin fossil finds have been made on the continent. However, the majority of early human fossil discoveries have been made in East Africa.

3. Consult specific locations: In East Africa, notable regions for fossil finds include the Great Rift Valley, which spans multiple countries like Kenya and Ethiopia, and the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. These areas have yielded numerous significant discoveries that have shaped our understanding of human evolution.

Regarding the second question about the environmental factors that may have led to the development of early humans in East Africa, you can approach it in the following way:

1. Look for scientific research: Investigate studies and papers published by paleoanthropologists, geologists, and climate scientists who specialize in the region's environmental history.

2. Understand the environmental context: East Africa has a diverse landscape that has changed over millions of years. Factors such as climate, vegetation, and the presence of water sources play crucial roles in the development and survival of early humans.

3. Consider key environmental factors: Some important environmental factors that may have influenced the development of early humans in East Africa include the availability of water, diverse food sources like grasslands and forests, and the presence of geological features like river valleys and lakes.

4. Look for evidence of adaptation: Scientists study fossil remains, ancient tools, and chemical analysis of geological layers to understand how early humans adapted to their environment. These studies often provide insights into how environmental factors influenced human evolution.

By following these steps, you can find reliable sources to answer your questions about both the locations of fossil finds in Africa and the possible environmental factors that shaped the development of early humans in East Africa.