Indicate whether the transactions increase, decrease, or had not effect

“Invested cash in the business”

To determine how the transaction "Invested cash in the business" affects the business, you need to understand how investments and cash transactions are recorded.

In this case, when cash is invested in the business, it typically results in an increase in cash for the business. This transaction does not involve any other accounts like assets, liabilities, or equity.

To confirm this, you should consult the company's accounting records or financial statements. Look for any entries labeled "Investment" or "Cash" and examine the corresponding amounts. If the cash balance has increased, then it indicates that the transaction has resulted in an increase in cash for the business.

Keep in mind that this answer assumes the transaction refers to an actual investment made by an external party. If it is an internal transfer of cash within the business, the effect on the cash balance would depend on the specifics of the transaction.

It is always recommended to check the company's financial records or consult with an accountant to get an accurate understanding of how a specific transaction impacts a business.