If you want to feel really well, you should get enough sleep

Question 19 options:


properly constructed sentence


lacks parallel parts


comma splice


misplaced words

The correct answer to Question 19 is option b) "lacks parallel parts."

In order to determine the correct answer, it is important to understand the concept of parallelism in grammar. Parallelism means using the same grammatical structure or format for elements that are being compared or contrasted in a sentence.

In the given sentence, "If you want to feel really well, you should get enough sleep," there is no parallelism between the two clauses. The first clause starts with the conditional phrase "If you want to feel really well," which sets an expectation or condition. However, the second clause does not follow the same structure. It should be parallel, like "If you want to feel really well, you should eat nutritious food" or "To feel really well, you should get enough sleep."

Therefore, option b) "lacks parallel parts" is the correct answer.