Explain two factors why it is important for youths to investigate and be knowledgeable about it.

Investigating and being knowledgeable about various subjects is important for youths for several reasons. Here are two key factors:

1. Empowerment and Self-advocacy: When youths investigate and gain knowledge about different topics, they become empowered to make informed decisions and effectively advocate for their interests. By conducting research and seeking reliable sources of information, they can develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. This knowledge allows them to confidently express their opinions, engage in discussions, and take an active part in shaping their future.

To investigate and gain knowledge, youths can follow these steps:
a. Define the topic: Identify the subject or issue they want to investigate.
b. Gather information: Utilize various sources such as books, articles, websites, documentaries, and interviews to collect relevant information.
c. Evaluate credibility: Assess the credibility of the sources they use, considering factors like author expertise, peer-reviewed research, and objectivity.
d. Analyze and synthesize: Organize, compare, and analyze gathered information to form a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
e. Seek diverse perspectives: Explore different viewpoints and seek opinions from people with various backgrounds and experiences.
f. Reflect and apply: Reflect on the acquired knowledge and apply it in everyday situations or discussions.

2. Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: Investigating and acquiring knowledge aids in developing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. As youths explore different topics, they learn to question and evaluate information, distinguish between fact and opinion, and think critically about various perspectives. This enables them to analyze complex situations, identify problems, and develop innovative solutions.

To enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills, youths can follow these steps:
a. Ask questions: Encourage curiosity by asking questions about the subject matter.
b. Utilize critical thinking tools: Apply tools such as the Socratic Method, SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), or mind maps to facilitate critical analysis.
c. Collaborate and discuss: Engage in discussions, debates, or group projects with peers to share and confront ideas, fostering critical thinking.
d. Practice decision-making: Engage in real-life situations and practice decision-making based on gathered knowledge and critical analysis.
e. Reflect and evaluate: Regularly reflect on the thinking process and evaluate the effectiveness of problem-solving strategies used.

By investigating and being knowledgeable, youths gain confidence, become effective communicators, and possess valuable skills that can positively impact their personal and professional lives.