Evaluate the impact of risky behaviour on your personal expactation in relation of the career you want to follow

To evaluate the impact of risky behavior on your personal expectation in relation to the career you want to follow, you need to consider two main factors: the nature of the risky behavior and the requirements of the career path.

1. Identify the risky behavior: Start by understanding what constitutes risky behavior in the context of your chosen career. This could include actions such as substance abuse, excessive gambling, reckless decision-making, criminal activities, or engaging in dangerous hobbies. Take a moment to reflect on your own behavior and see if any risky patterns emerge.

2. Understand the potential consequences: Once you've identified the risky behavior, it's important to explore the potential consequences associated with it. Consider the impact it can have on your physical and mental health, relationships, and legal standing. Think about how these consequences might affect your ability to pursue and succeed in your chosen career.

3. Assess the career requirements: Research the key requirements of the career you want to follow. Look into the necessary skills, qualifications, experiences, and personal attributes needed to excel in that field. Consider whether the risky behavior might hinder your ability to meet these requirements. For example, if your career requires regular drug testing, substance abuse can jeopardize your chances of employment.

4. Examine the industry culture and reputation: Consider the industry or profession you are interested in. Some careers may have a lower tolerance for risky behavior due to the nature of the work or industry standards. For instance, careers in healthcare, finance, or law enforcement typically have stricter codes of conduct and may have zero-tolerance policies for certain risky behaviors.

5. Reflect on personal values and priorities: Ultimately, it's important to reflect on your personal values and priorities. Consider how engaging in risky behavior aligns with your long-term goals and aspirations. Evaluate the potential trade-offs between short-term gratification and the long-term consequences on your career prospects and overall life satisfaction.

Ultimately, the impact of risky behavior on your personal expectation in relation to your career depends on the specific circumstances, the severity of the behavior, and the industry's tolerance for such behavior. It is important to make informed choices and prioritize your well-being and professional goals for a successful career journey.