a fiel mixtire used in the early days of rocketry is composed of two liquids, hydrazine and dinitrogen tetraoxide which ignites on contact to form nitrogen gas and water vapour.100g of hydrazine reacts with 200g of dinitrogen tetraoxide according to the reaction .determine the limiting reagent

Limiting regent = LR and the other reagent is excess reagent = ER.

2N2H4 + N2O4 ==> 3N2 + 4H2O
moles N2H4 = grams/molar mass = 100/32 = 3.125
moles N2O4 = g/molar mass = 200/92 = 2.174
If N2H4 is completely used how much N2O4 would be needed? That's
3.125 mols M2H4 x (1 mole N2O4/2 mols N2H4) = 3.125/2 = 1.562 mols N2O4 needed. Do you have that much? Yes, therefore, N2H4 is the LR and N2O4 is the ER.