How did salutary neglect lead colonists to rebel against Great Britain?

It made it impossible to regulate trade between the colonies and the British East India Company. It made it impossible to regulate trade between the colonies and the British East India Company. , ,

Great Britain could not raise enough revenue to fight the French and Indian War.Great Britain could not raise enough revenue to fight the French and Indian War. , ,

It caused frustration when Great Britain began enforcing stricter taxation policies.It caused frustration when Great Britain began enforcing stricter taxation policies. , ,

Great Britain’s Navigation Acts were favored over the Stamp Act.

Salutary neglect refers to a policy of the British government in the 18th century where they largely ignored enforcing regulations and laws on the American colonies. This period of neglect had several effects that eventually led to the colonists rebelling against Great Britain.

One effect of salutary neglect was the lack of regulation of trade between the colonies and the British East India Company. This meant that the colonies were able to engage in trade freely without much interference. However, when Great Britain began to enforce stricter taxation policies and regulations, it caused frustration among the colonists who had grown accustomed to the freedom of trade. This frustration was heightened when the Stamp Act was implemented, which imposed a tax on all printed materials in the colonies. This act was seen as a direct violation of the colonists' rights and led to protests and resistance.

Another effect of salutary neglect was the lack of revenue that Great Britain was able to raise to fund wars, particularly the French and Indian War. The British government was unable to collect enough taxes from the colonies during this period of neglect, which created financial strain. To make up for these revenue deficits, Great Britain began imposing various acts and taxes on the colonists, such as the Sugar Act and the Townshend Acts. These acts further fueled the colonists' frustration and ultimately led to their rebellion.

In summary, salutary neglect allowed the colonists to experience a period of relative freedom in trade and governance. However, when Great Britain began enforcing stricter regulations and taxes, it caused frustration and dissatisfaction among the colonists, which eventually led them to rebel against Great Britain.