Name four main physical features with one example each

Sure! Here are four main physical features along with an example for each:

1. Mountains: The Rocky Mountains in North America
- To find examples of mountains, you can use search engines and type in "famous mountains" or "tallest mountains." This will provide you with a list of well-known mountain ranges around the world.

2. Rivers: The Amazon River in South America
- To find examples of rivers, you can search for "major rivers in the world" or "longest rivers." This will give you information about different rivers, their lengths, and the countries they flow through.

3. Oceans: The Pacific Ocean
- To find examples of oceans, you can look up a world map or search for "major oceans." You will find the names of the five main oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, and Arctic.

4. Deserts: The Sahara Desert in Africa
- To find examples of deserts, searching for "largest deserts" or "famous deserts" will give you a variety of results, including lists of well-known deserts around the world.

Remember, the examples provided above are not the only ones; there are many other mountains, rivers, oceans, and deserts worth exploring in our diverse planet.