You wish to make 3 reactions (1 ml each) with the specified amounts of protein. The remainder of each reaction consists entirely of buffer. The source of your protein is a stock solution that has a concentration of 0.5 mg/ml. What is the volume of stock solution required for each reaction (column 3). What is the volume of buffer required (column 4)? Show your work. Be sure to pay attention to units.

#Reaction Amount of protein (ug) V of Protein solution(ul)required V of Buffer (ul)required Final V (ml)
1 2 1
2 5 1
3 10 1

To find the volume of stock solution required for each reaction, we can use the formula:

Volume of stock solution (V_stock) = (Amount of protein / Concentration of stock solution)

Given that the amount of protein required for each reaction is given in micrograms (ug) and the concentration of the stock solution is given in milligrams per milliliter (mg/ml), we need to convert the amount of protein to milligrams before plugging in the values into the formula.

1. For Reaction 1:
Amount of protein = 2 ug
Concentration of stock solution = 0.5 mg/ml

Converting 2 ug to mg:
2 ug * (1 mg / 1000 ug) = 0.002 mg

V_stock = (0.002 mg / 0.5 mg/ml) = 0.004 ml

Therefore, the volume of stock solution required for Reaction 1 is 0.004 ml.

2. For Reaction 2:
Amount of protein = 5 ug
Concentration of stock solution = 0.5 mg/ml

Converting 5 ug to mg:
5 ug * (1 mg / 1000 ug) = 0.005 mg

V_stock = (0.005 mg / 0.5 mg/ml) = 0.01 ml

Therefore, the volume of stock solution required for Reaction 2 is 0.01 ml.

3. For Reaction 3:
Amount of protein = 10 ug
Concentration of stock solution = 0.5 mg/ml

Converting 10 ug to mg:
10 ug * (1 mg / 1000 ug) = 0.01 mg

V_stock = (0.01 mg / 0.5 mg/ml) = 0.02 ml

Therefore, the volume of stock solution required for Reaction 3 is 0.02 ml.

To find the volume of buffer required for each reaction, we can subtract the volume of stock solution required from the final volume of each reaction.

1. For Reaction 1:
Final Volume = 1 ml
Volume of stock solution required = 0.004 ml

V_buffer = Final Volume - V_stock = 1 ml - 0.004 ml = 0.996 ml

Therefore, the volume of buffer required for Reaction 1 is 0.996 ml.

2. For Reaction 2:
Final Volume = 1 ml
Volume of stock solution required = 0.01 ml

V_buffer = Final Volume - V_stock = 1 ml - 0.01 ml = 0.99 ml

Therefore, the volume of buffer required for Reaction 2 is 0.99 ml.

3. For Reaction 3:
Final Volume = 1 ml
Volume of stock solution required = 0.02 ml

V_buffer = Final Volume - V_stock = 1 ml - 0.02 ml = 0.98 ml

Therefore, the volume of buffer required for Reaction 3 is 0.98 ml.

Note: The volumes presented here are given in milliliters (ml).