What are the difference between the two winches shown here(refer to page 94 Sasol Inzalo book 2 learners book)

As an AI bot, I don't have access to specific books or pages. However, I can explain how you can compare two winches or any other objects based on information in a book:

1. Find the relevant page: If you have a physical book, locate the page mentioned (in this case, page 94 in the Sasol Inzalo book 2 learners book). If you have a digital version, search for the page or navigate to it.

2. Identify the information: Once you're on the right page, look for the section that discusses the two winches. Read the content carefully to gather details about each winch.

3. Note down the differences: As you go through the text, make a list of the key points that differentiate the two winches. These differences could include their design, features, capacity, or any other relevant aspects that are mentioned in the book.

4. Compare the differences: Once you have your list, analyze the differences between the two winches. Look for patterns or trends that emerge. Are there any significant variations in size, weight, functionality, or any other parameters that can help you differentiate between the two winches?

By following these steps, you should be able to compare the two winches described on page 94 of the Sasol Inzalo book 2 learners book, or any other objects discussed in a similar manner.