EXPLAIN FOUR RESONS THE youth do not want participate in civic

There are several reasons why some young people might be reluctant to participate in civic activities. Here are four possible explanations:

1. Lack of awareness or understanding: Many youth may simply not be aware of the importance of civic participation or the specific opportunities available to them. They might not fully understand how their involvement can contribute to positive change in their communities. To address this, it is essential to raise awareness and provide clear information about the benefits and impact of civic engagement.

2. Busy schedules and competing priorities: Young people today often juggle multiple commitments, such as school, extracurricular activities, jobs, and family responsibilities. They may feel overwhelmed and struggle to find time for civic engagement. It is crucial to emphasize the importance of balancing responsibilities and highlight how civic participation can complement and enhance other aspects of their lives.

3. Perceived lack of influence: Some young people may feel that their voices are not heard or valued in decision-making processes. They might believe that their opinions will not make a difference or that the existing system does not prioritize their concerns. To address this, it is essential to create opportunities for meaningful youth participation and ensure that their input is genuinely considered and acted upon.

4. Negative perceptions of politics and government: Young people may perceive politics and government as corrupt, ineffective, or disconnected from their daily lives. They might be disillusioned by scandals, polarization, or a lack of diverse representation. To overcome this barrier, it is crucial to emphasize the potential for positive change and showcase examples of effective leadership and policymaking. Encouraging transparency, accountability, and accessibility within political systems can also help rebuild trust and encourage youth participation.

Remember, these reasons are not exhaustive, and different individuals may have unique motivations for their level of civic engagement. To better understand the specific reasons why youth in a particular community may be less involved, it is essential to conduct local surveys, engage in consultations, and provide platforms for open dialogue.