You are principal speaker in school debate on the motion.boys and girls should be assigned equal work at home .write your entry for or against the motion

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At the school prefect you have been ask to Address your school on the falling standard of learning in your school

Dear students and staff,

I stand before you today not just as your school prefect, but as a concerned member of our academic community. I have noticed a worrying trend in our school - a decline in the standard of learning. This has been reflected in our academic performances, and it saddens me deeply.

Education is the key to unlocking the doors of the future and enabling us to become better individuals for ourselves and our society. It is essential that we take steps to address this decline in our school's learning standards.

Firstly, as students, we must take responsibility for our own academic progress. We need to study regularly, attend classes, and participate actively in classroom discussions. We should also seek help from our teachers and mentors when we struggle with our academic work.

In addition, the school administration should look into ways to motivate and inspire us to learn, such as organizing educational trips and workshops for us. Teachers should be given adequate resources and training to help them deliver lessons effectively to the students. Also, we need to have regular academic assessments to measure our progress.

It is time for us to take the necessary steps to reverse the trend of falling standards in our school. Let us work harder, smarter, and more collaboratively to achieve academic excellence. Together, we can raise the standard of learning in our school and become better students and leaders for the future. Thank you.

For the motion:

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you as the principal speaker in support of the motion: "Boys and girls should be assigned equal work at home." This debate is not just about addressing gender equality within the household, but also about empowering individuals to break through societal norms and foster mutual respect and cooperation.

Firstly, assigning equal work at home promotes gender equality and breaks down traditional stereotypes. Historically, women were expected to handle household chores and child-rearing responsibilities, while men were solely focused on providing financially. However, we cannot let these outdated beliefs persist in today's progressive society. By sharing responsibilities equally, we encourage boys and girls to recognize each other's capabilities beyond gender roles and develop a sense of unity.

Moreover, assigning equal work at home instills valuable life skills and builds character. When boys and girls are given the opportunity to engage in a diverse range of tasks, they develop a well-rounded set of skills that will serve them both inside and outside the home. Household chores such as cooking, cleaning, and taking care of younger siblings teach responsibility, time management, and empathy. These skills are crucial for personal growth and will contribute positively to their future relationships, careers, and overall development.

Additionally, equal distribution of household chores helps foster a sense of teamwork and shared responsibility. When all family members are actively involved in maintaining the household, it promotes a harmonious and supportive environment. Allowing boys and girls to contribute equally not only lightens the burden for one individual, typically the mother, but also allows others to understand the effort required to maintain a household. This understanding cultivates mutual respect, appreciation, and gratitude for each other's contributions.

In conclusion, assigning equal work at home is essential for achieving gender equality and creating balanced individuals. By breaking free from traditional gender roles and actively involving both boys and girls in household tasks, we pave the way for a more egalitarian society. Not only will this promote personal growth and life skills for individuals, but it will also strengthen family bonds through shared responsibilities and a sense of teamwork. In embracing this motion, we ensure a brighter future for generations to come – where boys and girls are valued equally, both within and outside the confines of their homes.