In which job field will you fall under if you study these subjects

To determine the job field you will fall under based on the subjects you study, you need to consider the knowledge and skills that you acquire from studying those subjects. Here are a few examples:

1. Mathematics and Statistics: With expertise in mathematics and statistics, you could consider careers in fields such as data science, actuarial science, financial analysis, or research and academia.

2. Computer Science and Programming: If you study computer science and programming, you could pursue jobs as software engineers, web developers, data analysts, information security specialists, or artificial intelligence researchers.

3. Biology and Chemistry: Studying biology and chemistry can open up doors to careers in healthcare, such as being a doctor, pharmacist, biologist, chemist, biochemist, or medical researcher.

4. Engineering: If you focus on engineering subjects, you could work in diverse industries like civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, aerospace engineering, environmental engineering, or software engineering.

Remember that these are just a few examples, and the subjects you study can often lead to multiple career paths. It's crucial to explore your interests, skills, and the specific areas within these subjects to determine the best job field for you. Additionally, internships, co-op programs, and networking opportunities can provide valuable insights into potential career paths within your specific field of study.