Impact of risky teenage behaviour on one's well being by referring to the emotional sphere

To understand the impact of risky teenage behavior on one's emotional well-being, it is important to consider both the negative and positive aspects. Here's how you can gather information to support your understanding:

1. Research peer-reviewed articles: Look for studies published in academic journals that focus on the emotional impact of risky teenage behavior. Start by using online databases like JSTOR, PubMed, or Google Scholar to search for keywords such as "risky teenage behavior," "emotional well-being," or "adolescent risk-taking."

2. Review reliable statistical data: Government websites and reputable research institutions often provide data on adolescent behavior and its impact on emotional well-being. Check out sites like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), or local health departments for relevant reports and surveys.

3. Consider psychological theories: Familiarize yourself with psychological theories that explain how risky behaviors affect emotions during adolescence. For example, consider Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, which highlights the importance of forming a sense of identity and autonomy. Look for scholarly books or academic resources that discuss these theories in relation to teenage behavior.

4. Seek expert opinions: Look for expert psychologists or researchers who have studied the emotional consequences of risky teenage behavior. You can find their insights by watching TED Talks, attending conferences or webinars, or reading interviews and articles in reputable news outlets.

By combining information from reliable sources, statistical data, psychological theories, and expert opinions, you can develop a comprehensive understanding of how risky teenage behavior impacts emotional well-being. Remember to critically analyze the information you find and seek a well-rounded perspective on the topic.