The time at Town A 300° East is 12:00pm. What will be the time Town B 40° West?

To determine the time at Town B, we need to calculate the time difference between Town A and Town B based on their longitudinal positions.

The Earth is divided into 360 degrees of longitude, with each degree corresponding to a 15-degree time zone. Therefore, each time zone represents a 1-hour difference in time.

Given that Town A is at 300° East and Town B is at 40° West, we need to calculate the total time difference between them.

Step 1: Convert Town A's position to West longitude.
Since 300° East is equivalent to 60° West (360° - 300°), we can calculate the time difference between Town A and the Prime Meridian (0° longitude).

Step 2: Calculate the time difference between Town A and Town B.
The total time difference is the sum of the time difference between Town A and the Prime Meridian, and the time difference between the Prime Meridian and Town B.

Step 3: Convert the time difference to hours.
Using the fact that each time zone represents a 1-hour difference, we convert the total time difference to hours.

Step 4: Determine the time at Town B.
Add or subtract the time difference to the given time at Town A to determine the time at Town B.

Let's follow these steps.

Step 1: Convert Town A's position to West longitude.
300° East = 360° - 300° = 60° West.

Step 2: Calculate the time difference between Town A and Town B.
Time difference = Time difference between Town A and Prime Meridian + Time difference between Prime Meridian and Town B.

Step 3: Convert the time difference to hours.
Using the fact that each time zone represents a 1-hour difference, we convert the total time difference to hours.

Step 4: Determine the time at Town B.
Add or subtract the time difference to the given time at Town A to get the time at Town B.