Draw a vertically line between the complete subject and the complete predicate in the following sentence then underline the simple predicate

To draw a vertical line between the complete subject and complete predicate, we first need to identify these parts of the sentence. Let's analyze the sentence and break it down:

"The dog chased the cat."

In this sentence, the subject is "the dog," and the predicate is "chased the cat." To draw a vertical line between them, we can represent it as follows:

The dog | chased the cat.

Now, let's underline the simple predicate. In this sentence, the simple predicate is the main verb that shows the action or state of being. In this case, it is the word "chased." Therefore, we underline it like this:

The dog | chased the cat.

Note that the complete predicate also includes the direct object (the cat) in this sentence. However, we are just focusing on underlining the simple predicate, which is the main verb.