where can i got the solution of these questions?

To find the solutions to specific questions, there are several options you can consider:

1. Online Search Engines: You can use search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo to search for the answer to your specific question. Simply type in the question or topic, and the search engine will provide you with relevant results containing potential solutions.

2. Websites and Forums: Many websites and online forums offer solutions and discussions on a wide range of topics. Look for websites or forums related to the subject of your questions and browse through the existing content or post your question to seek answers from knowledgeable individuals.

3. Online Communities and Social Media: Joining online communities or groups related to your question's topic on platforms like Reddit, Quora, or Facebook can provide access to vast amounts of information and personal experiences. You can ask your question directly in these communities and wait for responses from members who have expertise in the field.

4. Online Tutorials and Courses: For specific topics, you may find video tutorials, online courses, or educational platforms that offer comprehensive solutions. Websites like Udemy, Coursera, Khan Academy, or YouTube often have tutorials or courses on various subjects.

5. Books and Libraries: Another option is to look for books or visit a local library. There are numerous books available on various subjects, including textbooks, guidebooks, and reference materials. Libraries usually have sections dedicated to specific subjects where you can find books that contain solutions or explanations for your questions.

Remember to choose sources that are credible and reliable to ensure accurate and trustworthy information.