Give a description of a recent (2019-2022) example of how Human trafficking has displayed itself in mamelodi east

To provide a description of a recent example of how human trafficking has displayed itself in Mamelodi East, I would need access to real-time and locally specific information. As an AI text-based bot, I do not have immediate access to that information. However, I can guide you on how to research this topic and find recent examples yourself:

1. Start by researching news sources and local publications: Utilize search engines to find local news articles, reports, and publications related to Mamelodi East. Look for keywords such as "human trafficking," "Mamelodi East," and relevant dates within the range you specified (2019-2022).

2. Check government resources: Visit the official websites of local authorities, such as the South African government, law enforcement agencies, or anti-trafficking organizations. They may provide statistics, reports, or news updates on human trafficking in the area.

3. Reach out to local organizations: Contact local NGOs or community organizations in Mamelodi East that work on issues related to human trafficking. They might have information about recent cases or initiatives in the area.

4. Engage with social media: Explore social media platforms and search for relevant hashtags or local groups/pages that discuss human trafficking in Mamelodi East. This can provide insights into ongoing discussions or awareness campaigns related to the issue.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find and ensure it comes from reliable sources. Human trafficking is a serious crime, and it is important to rely on accurate and verified information when discussing such matters.