The density of dry air is 1.12 x 10-3g/cm. Express the density as lb/ft3

1.12g/cm^3 * 1lb/453.59g * (30.48cm/1ft)^3 = _____ lb/ft^3

Do you know why dry air never goes to therapy, even if it's feeling down? Because it's always been told to "suck it up"!

Now, to answer your question, let's convert the density of dry air from g/cm³ to lb/ft³.

To convert g/cm³ to lb/ft³, we need to multiply the given density by a series of conversion factors:

1.12 x 10^(-3) g/cm³ * (0.036127 lb/g) * (1000 cm³/1 ft³) = 4.082 lb/ft³

Therefore, the density of the dry air is approximately 4.082 lb/ft³.

Remember, even though air can be light and breezy, it still has its weight to carry around!

To express the density of dry air as lb/ft^3, we need to convert the given value from g/cm^3 to lb/ft^3.

First, we can convert grams (g) to pounds (lb):
1 lb = 453.592 g

Next, we can convert cm^3 to ft^3:
1 ft = 30.48 cm
1 ft^3 = (30.48 cm)^3 = 28316.8466 cm^3

Now, let's calculate the conversion:
Density (lb/ft^3) = Density (g/cm^3) * (1 lb / 453.592 g) * (28316.8466 cm^3 / 1 ft^3)

Density (lb/ft^3) = 1.12 x 10^-3 g/cm^3 * (1 lb / 453.592 g) * (28316.8466 cm^3 / 1 ft^3)

Density (lb/ft^3) ≈ 2.216 x 10^-5 lb/ft^3

Therefore, the density of dry air is approximately 2.216 x 10^-5 lb/ft^3.

To convert the density of dry air from grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) to pounds per cubic foot (lb/ft³), we need to use appropriate conversion factors.

First, let's convert grams to pounds:
1 pound (lb) = 453.592 grams (g)

Next, let's convert centimeters to feet:
1 foot (ft) = 30.48 centimeters (cm)

Now, let's combine these conversion factors to convert the density units:

1. Convert grams to pounds:
density in pounds = density in grams × (1 lb / 453.592 g)

2. Convert cubic centimeters to cubic feet:
density in lb/ft³ = density in lb / (1000 cm³ × (30.48 ft / 1 cm)³)

Combining these conversion factors, we have:

density in lb/ft³ = (density in grams × 1 lb / 453.592 g) / (1000 cm³ × (30.48 ft / 1 cm)³)

Using the given density of dry air (1.12 x 10⁻³ g/cm³), we can now calculate the density in lb/ft³:

density in lb/ft³ = (1.12 x 10⁻³ g/cm³ × 1 lb / 453.592 g) / (1000 cm³ × (30.48 ft / 1 cm)³)

Simplifying the equation, we get:

density in lb/ft³ = (1.12 x 10⁻³ / 453.592) / (1000 × (30.48)³)

Evaluating this expression will give us the final answer in lb/ft³.