What career choice would I take?

As an AI, I don't have access to personal details or specific information about your interests, skills, or aspirations. Choosing a career path depends on many factors unique to each individual. However, I can provide you with some guidance on how to explore your career options and make an informed decision:

1. Self-reflection: Start by understanding your interests, values, and passions. Think about what activities or subjects excite you, what values are important to you in a job, and what skills you already possess or want to develop.

2. Skills assessment: Assess your current skills and identify areas where you excel or have the potential to excel. Consider your strengths, weaknesses, and preferences in terms of working environments, such as teamwork or autonomy.

3. Research: Look into various career options that align with your interests and skills. Use online resources like career websites, professional networks, job descriptions, and industry reports to gather information.

4. Networking: Reach out to professionals already working in fields that interest you. Conduct informational interviews or attend networking events to gain insights into different career paths and to understand the daily realities of those occupations.

5. Experience and internships: Gain practical experience by participating in internships, volunteer work, or co-op programs. This will not only help you build skills but also provide valuable insights into a particular industry or job role.

6. Education and training: Consider what level of education or training is required for your desired career. Research universities, colleges, vocational schools, and online learning platforms that offer relevant programs.

7. Seek guidance: Talk to career counselors, mentors, or trusted individuals who can provide guidance and offer different perspectives. They may provide valuable insights or suggest resources to help you make an informed decision.

Remember, choosing a career is a journey that often involves trial and error. It's important to remain flexible, adaptable, and open to new opportunities.