"... Whose members share similar attitudes."

The phrase "Whose members share similar attitudes" suggests that there is a group of individuals who hold similar views or opinions on a particular topic or issue. To identify such a group, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the context: Determine the subject or topic you are referring to. This could be a specific group, organization, community, or even a general concept.

2. Research the group: Look for groups, organizations, or communities that are related to the subject you identified. You can start by searching online, using search engines, social media platforms, or specialized websites. Look for groups that are associated with the topic or issue in question.

3. Explore group descriptions: Once you've found potential groups, read their descriptions or profiles. This information generally provides an overview of the group's purpose, goals, or interests. Look for keywords that indicate the group members share similar attitudes, viewpoints, or beliefs.

4. Check group discussions or content: Read through the group's discussions, comments, or other content if available. Pay attention to the topics being discussed and the opinions shared by members. This will give you a better understanding of whether the group's members share similar attitudes.

5. Consider external sources: If the group you found does not clearly state that its members share similar attitudes, you can look for external sources such as articles, surveys, or research studies that discuss the attitudes of certain groups regarding the topic. These sources may provide insights into groups with similar attitudes.

By following these steps, you can identify groups whose members share similar attitudes based on your specific context.