The combined average weight of an okapi and a llama is 450450450 kilograms. The average weight of 333 llamas is 190190190 kilograms more than the average weight of one okapi.

On average, how much does an okapi weigh, and how much does a llama weigh?

1 llama weighs 190 kg

if the okapi weighs x kg, then
(190 + x)/2 = 450

I suspect some typos (beyond the annoying repetition of each number) and maybe the misuse of the term "average"

To find out how much an okapi weighs, we need to use the given information.

Let's assume the weight of an okapi is x kg.

According to the information provided, the average weight of 333 llamas is 190 kg more than the average weight of one okapi.

So, the average weight of 333 llamas is (x + 190) kg.

To find the combined average weight of an okapi and a llama, we add the average weight of one okapi (x kg) and the average weight of 333 llamas (x + 190) kg.

So, the combined average weight is:

x + (x + 190) = 450450450 kg

Now, let's solve this equation for x to find the weight of an okapi:

2x + 190 = 450450450

Subtracting 190 from both sides:

2x = 450450260

Dividing both sides by 2:

x = 225225130

Therefore, the weight of an okapi is approximately 225,225,130 kg.

To find the average weight of a llama, we can substitute the value of x into the equation:

x + 190 = 225225130 + 190 = 225225320

So, the weight of a llama is approximately 225,225,320 kg.

Let's break down the problem into step-by-step calculations.

Step 1: Let's assume the average weight of an okapi is 'x' kilograms.

Step 2: The average weight of 333 llamas is 'x + 190190190' kilograms.

Step 3: To find the sum of the weights of 333 llamas, we multiply the average weight by the number of llamas:
333 * (x + 190190190) = 450450450

Step 4: Simplifying the equation:
333x + 63027070070 = 450450450

Step 5: Subtracting 63027070070 from both sides of the equation:
333x = 450450450 - 63027070070

Step 6: Simplifying further:
333x = -62546619620

Step 7: Dividing both sides by 333 to solve for x:
x = -62546619620 / 333

Step 8: Using a calculator, we find that x is approximately -187646.567 kilograms.

Therefore, on average, an okapi weighs approximately -187646.567 kilograms. Since this weight is unrealistic, please check the given data or assumptions made.

Note: Since the weight of an okapi cannot be negative, it seems there may be an error in the problem statement or data provided.