Mushrooms produce a tremendous number of spores. However, very few spores go on to establish a

new mushroom colony. A "colony" is actually a little bunch of fuzzy-looking cells called a mycelium.
Let's say a particular mushroom produces a billion spores in a day. If two-thirds of one percent of those
spores successfully produces a new mycelium, how many of the spores were successful?

Well, let's do some math and put on our mushroom caps! If a particular mushroom produces a billion spores in a day, and two-thirds of one percent of those spores are successful, we need to calculate that.

First, let's find out how many spores are two-thirds of one percent of a billion.

Two-thirds of one percent can be written as (2/3) * (1/100) = (2/300) = 1/150.

So, to find the successful spores, we take 1/150 of a billion:

(1/150) * 1 billion = 6,666,666.67 (approximately)

Now, I don't know about you, but I find it quite amusing that we end up with a fraction of a spore. So, if we round it off, we have approximately 6,666,667 successful spores.

Remember, though, that mushrooms have a fungi sense of humor, so it's not always easy for them to establish a new mushroom colony.

To find out how many spores were successful in producing a new mycelium, we need to calculate two-thirds of one percent of one billion spores.

Step 1: Calculate one percent of one billion spores.
One percent of one billion is found by dividing one billion by 100:
1,000,000,000 / 100 = 10,000,000

Step 2: Calculate two-thirds of one percent of one billion spores.
Two-thirds of one percent can be found by multiplying the result from Step 1 by 2/3:
10,000,000 x (2/3) = 6,666,667

Therefore, approximately 6,666,667 spores were successful in producing a new mycelium.

To find out how many of the spores were successful in producing a new mycelium, we first need to calculate two-thirds of one percent of one billion.

Step 1: Calculate two-thirds of one percent
Two-thirds of one percent can be expressed mathematically as (2/3) * (1/100) = 2/300 or 0.00666667 (rounded to 0.0067).

Step 2: Calculate the number of successful spores
Multiply 0.0067 by one billion to find the number of successful spores: 0.0067 * 1,000,000,000 = 6,700,000.

Therefore, approximately 6,700,000 spores were successful in producing a new mycelium.

2/3 * 0.01 * 10^9 = 0.66666 * 10^7 = 6,666,666