The primary source of energy in most ecosystems

All the answers to the quick check is

1. The sun
2. prairie cordgrass
3. Around 10% of the energy is transferred to support the next trophic level.
4. tertiary consumers
5. wolves

The sun

lost is correctt 100%%%%%%

lost is right thank you

lost is correct! tysm and happy early valentine’s day to all

ong he is right ( lost )

Tysm Lost !!

The primary source of energy in most ecosystems is the Sun. Through a process called photosynthesis, green plants and some bacteria are able to convert sunlight into chemical energy in the form of glucose. This glucose is then used by plants for growth and metabolism.

To find this information, you can start by doing a simple Google search by typing "primary source of energy in ecosystems." This will lead you to various sources which explain that the Sun is the primary source of energy in most ecosystems. Additionally, you can refer to textbooks or educational websites that cover the topic of energy flow in ecosystems. These resources often describe how energy flows through different trophic levels, starting with the producers (such as plants) that convert sunlight into chemical energy.

1. b

2. c
3. d
4. c
5. a
these are right trust me guys...