The bearing of a boy on the corridor of a storey building from a ball on the ground is N078ⁿE. What is the bearing of the ball from The boy.


To determine the bearing of the ball from the boy, we need to subtract the given bearing (N078ⁿE) from 180 degrees.

Step 1: Convert the bearing from a compass bearing to degrees.
The given bearing N078ⁿE can be converted to 078 degrees.

Step 2: Subtract the converted bearing from 180 degrees.
180° - 078° = 102°

Therefore, the bearing of the ball from the boy is N102°W.

To determine the bearing of the ball from the boy, we need to find the opposite direction of the bearing given (N078ⁿE).

In bearings, the notation consists of a direction expressed as a combination of a compass direction (North, South, East, or West) followed by an angle in degrees and minutes. The bearing angle is measured clockwise from the North direction.

In this case, the given bearing is N078ⁿE. Let's break it down:

- "N" represents North as the compass direction.
- "078" represents the angle between North and the desired direction.
- "ⁿE" indicates that the desired direction is situated East of North.

To find the bearing of the ball from the boy, we need to subtract 180 degrees from the given bearing because the opposite direction is on the other side of the circle.

Angle = 78 degrees
Opposite angle = 180° - 78° = 102°

Therefore, the bearing of the ball from the boy is S102°E (South 102 degrees East).