Teachers are not be blame for poor performance in BECE. WRITE AGAINST THE MOTION.

Inadequate of trained teachers

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To write against the motion that teachers are not to blame for poor performance in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), we need to consider the reasons and factors that may contribute to poor performance and evaluate the role of teachers in this context.

1. Lack of Proper Instructions: Teachers are responsible for providing proper instructions and guidance to their students. If the teachers are not able to effectively communicate the subject matter or fail to provide adequate support, it can negatively impact the students' performance in the BECE.

2. Classroom Management: Teachers play a crucial role in managing the classroom environment and ensuring a conducive learning atmosphere. If a teacher fails to maintain discipline or address individual learning needs, it can adversely affect students' concentration and motivation, leading to poor performance in exams.

3. Curriculum Implementation: Effective implementation of the curriculum is essential for student success. Teachers are responsible for following the prescribed syllabus, selecting appropriate teaching methods, and covering the necessary topics in a timely manner. If teachers deviate from the curriculum or fail to adequately cover the required content, it can result in knowledge gaps and poor performance.

4. Individualized Support: Every student has unique learning needs and abilities. Teachers should identify these individual differences and provide tailored support to help students overcome their challenges. If teachers neglect to provide necessary support, some students may struggle to grasp key concepts, leading to poor performance in exams.

5. Assessment and Feedback: Teachers are responsible for evaluating students' progress regularly and providing constructive feedback. If teachers do not accurately assess students' strengths and weaknesses or fail to provide timely feedback, students may not have the opportunity to rectify their mistakes and improve their performance.

To support your argument against the motion, you can discuss these factors and highlight the importance of teachers in addressing these issues to improve students' performance in the BECE. However, remember to present a balanced view by also acknowledging other factors that may contribute to poor performance, such as home environment, parental support, and individual student effort.