Brief describe how gender based violence displayed itself from the community

Gender-based violence can manifest itself in various ways within a community. Here is a brief description of some common forms:

1. Physical Abuse: This involves physical harm or force against individuals based on their gender. It can include actions such as punching, kicking, slapping, or using weapons to cause injury.

2. Sexual Violence: This refers to any non-consensual sexual act or unwanted sexual behavior forced upon someone due to their gender. It can include , sexual assault, harassment, or any form of coerced sexual activity.

3. Emotional Abuse: This form of violence targets a person's emotional or psychological well-being. It can include tactics such as humiliation, belittling, verbal insults, intimidation, or isolation. These actions aim to manipulate and control the victim emotionally.

4. Economic Abuse: This occurs when someone uses financial control or exploitation to assert power over another person due to their gender. It can include restricting access to money or resources, denying employment opportunities, or forcing economic dependence.

5. Online and Technological Abuse: With the advent of technology, gender-based violence can also extend to cyberspace. It includes activities like cyberstalking, online harassment, revenge , or spreading harmful content with the intention of causing emotional distress.

It is important to note that gender-based violence can occur within any community, disregarding cultural, socioeconomic, or geographical boundaries.