Based on the information below, what is the expected effect of the mutations?

1 point
Captionless Image
no polypeptide will be made
the same polypeptide will be made
a polypeptide with fewer amino acids will be made
a polypeptide with different amino acids will be made

To determine the expected effect of mutations, we need more information than just a captionless image. Mutations occur in DNA, which can result in changes to the genetic code. The impact of mutations on protein synthesis depends on the type and location of the mutation. Mutations can be categorized into three types: silent mutations, missense mutations, and nonsense mutations.

1. Silent Mutations: These mutations don't have any effect on the resulting polypeptide. They occur when a nucleotide change in the DNA does not alter the amino acid sequence, typically due to the degeneracy of the genetic code. In this case, the same polypeptide will be made.

2. Missense Mutations: These mutations result in a change to the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide. This occurs when a single nucleotide change in the DNA leads to a different amino acid being incorporated into the protein. In this case, a polypeptide with different amino acids will be made.

3. Nonsense Mutations: These mutations create a premature stop codon in the DNA sequence. This premature stop signal terminates the synthesis of the polypeptide prematurely, resulting in a shortened or truncated protein. In this case, a polypeptide with fewer amino acids will be made.

Determining the specific impact of a mutation in an image without further information is not possible. Additional context, such as the specific mutation type and location, would be needed to accurately predict its effect on protein synthesis.