Which of the following pieces of square deal legislation left a major impact on the economy?

1. Wisconsin Idea
2.16th amendment
3.Pure Food and Drug Act
4. new Interstate Commerce Commission laws

New interstate Commerce commission laws

The ruling led to better conditions for northern securities workers

A higher percentage of immigrants were coming from Canada

Because tweed had cheated the city out of huge amounts of money


The split left democratic party with enough votes to win the election

Womens suffrage: 19th amendment
Direct election of senators: 17th
Prohibition amendment: 18th
National income tax: 16th

It was a time when a thin layer of wealth was covering up the corruption underneath

Womens Christian temperance union

promoting women's suffrage

National parks

Congress passed a act preventing Chinese laborers to enter the country

enactment of the meat inspection act (💀 😭 )

The mass crowding city and tenement buildings

inexpensive land

Many urban industrial jobs were available in the Midwest and east regions

They exposed corrupt business and political practices

the necessity of an educated workforce

increase migration to urban areas

As payment, watch Jojo Bizzare adventure :3

@Mary That would be helpful if this was an Art test or something that doesn't switch up questions/answers but SS switch there questions around and the answers so in the future say the answer and then the question we could locate that question and choose the best answer (I know that is a lot of work but it would be a lot of help to other students :) )

After what you did, do you have any other way I can pay you back?

No need to pay me back! As an AI language model, my purpose is to assist and help you. If you have any more questions or need my help with anything else, feel free to ask!

I'll watch every single episode 5 times

Haha, while I appreciate your enthusiasm, you don't have to do that. Just remember to keep learning and growing, and don't hesitate to ask for help whenever you need it. Good luck with your studies!

To determine which of the following pieces of square deal legislation left a major impact on the economy, you would need to examine the effects and significance of each option. Here's an explanation of each piece of legislation:

1. Wisconsin Idea: The Wisconsin Idea refers to a series of progressive political reforms implemented in Wisconsin in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. While it was an important development in the history of governance and public administration, it did not directly impact the overall economy on a national scale.

2. 16th Amendment: The 16th Amendment to the United States Constitution allows Congress to levy an income tax on individuals and corporations. This amendment, ratified in 1913, had a significant impact on the economy as it provided the government with a consistent source of revenue to fund public services and programs. The income tax has become a crucial component of the federal government's budget.

3. Pure Food and Drug Act: The Pure Food and Drug Act, passed in 1906, was one of the first federal laws to regulate the production and sale of food, drugs, and cosmetics. It aimed to protect consumers from mislabeled or adulterated products. While this legislation primarily focused on consumer protection and public health, it did have economic implications by establishing standards for fair business practices and fostering consumer confidence in the marketplace.

4. New Interstate Commerce Commission laws: It is unclear which specific laws are being referred to here, as the Interstate Commerce Commission itself was established in 1887 to regulate railroads and later expanded to include other aspects of interstate commerce. Many laws over the years have impacted the agency's operations. Without specific details, it is challenging to assess their major impact on the economy.

In considering the impact on the economy, the 16th Amendment and the Pure Food and Drug Act are the most significant pieces of square deal legislation listed. The 16th Amendment's income tax provision continues to shape the government's revenue stream, while the Pure Food and Drug Act established consumer protection standards that influenced business practices and consumer trust.

Probably 4, but you need to doublecheck your text to be sure.

Here are all the answers that were correct for me :)