With This Results Which Course Can I Study

Maths : Level 3
Life sciences: Level 5
Physics: Level 4
English: Level 5

check with your school counselor

or, visit a college and talk to the faculty there

Rather than figure out what you can do with what you know, discover what you love, and find out what it will take to succeed in that field.
Talk to someone successful in that field.

Based on the results you shared, you have the following options for courses to study:

1. Mathematics: Since you have obtained a Level 3 in Maths, you can consider pursuing a course related to mathematics, such as Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science, or Engineering.

2. Life Sciences: With a Level 5 in Life Sciences, you can explore courses in the field of Biology, such as Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Genetics, or Environmental Science.

3. Physics: If you achieved a Level 4 in Physics, you may consider studying courses such as Physics, Astrophysics, Engineering Physics, Aerospace Engineering, or Electronics.

4. English: Having obtained a Level 5 in English, you have options like English Literature, Creative Writing, Journalism, Linguistics, Communication Studies, or English Education.

Consider exploring the specific entry requirements and syllabi of these courses to make an informed decision based on your interests and career goals.