Which of the following is NOT true regarding the mean?

A. is good for data sets that contain outliers or extreme values.
B. is the preferred measure of central tendency because it considers all of the values in the data set.
C. is calculated by dividing the sum of the data by the total number of data.
D. is also often called the average.

To determine which statement is NOT true regarding the mean, let's evaluate each option.

A. This statement is true. The mean is not robust against outliers or extreme values because it takes into account all values in the data set, including those that may be very different from the rest.

B. This statement is also true. The mean considers all values in the data set, which means it takes into account each observation.

C. This statement is true. The mean is calculated by summing up all the data values and then dividing the sum by the total number of data points.

D. This statement is true as well. The mean is often referred to as the average.

Based on the above analysis, option A is NOT true. Therefore, the correct answer is:

A. is good for data sets that contain outliers or extreme values.