Which hill described in the table is the steepest? Explain.'

Street Horizontal Distance (ft) Vertical Rise
Dixie Hill 100 60
Bell Hill 100 50
Liberty Hill 100 20

"steeper" means a greater slope, which is defined as ∆y/∆x, or rise/run

so, the slope of Dixie Hill is 60/100 = 0.6
Now do the others, and choose the greatest

actually, since the horizontal distance is the same in all three cases, just pick the hill with the greatest rise.

To determine which hill is the steepest, we need to compare the vertical rise of each hill per horizontal distance. The hill with the greatest vertical rise per horizontal distance will be the steepest.

Let's calculate the steepness for each hill using the formula:

Steepness = Vertical Rise / Horizontal Distance

For Dixie Hill:
Steepness = 60 ft / 100 ft = 0.6

For Bell Hill:
Steepness = 50 ft / 100 ft = 0.5

For Liberty Hill:
Steepness = 20 ft / 100 ft = 0.2

Comparing the steepness values, we can see that Dixie Hill has the highest steepness value of 0.6, indicating that it is the steepest hill among the three.

To determine which hill in the table is the steepest, you need to compare the vertical rises of the hills. The steeper the hill, the greater the vertical rise over a given horizontal distance.

Looking at the table, you can see that Dixie Hill has a vertical rise of 60 feet over a horizontal distance of 100 feet, Bell Hill has a vertical rise of 50 feet over the same 100 feet, and Liberty Hill has a vertical rise of 20 feet.

To find the steepest hill, compare the vertical rises. Dixie Hill has the highest vertical rise of 60 feet, followed by Bell Hill with a vertical rise of 50 feet, and finally Liberty Hill with a vertical rise of 20 feet.

Therefore, Dixie Hill is the steepest hill among the three mentioned in the table.