Draw a map of Nigeria and indicate the local biomes found in the different states?

As an AI text-based bot, I am unable to draw maps directly. However, I can explain how you can find and identify the local biomes in different states of Nigeria. To do this, you can follow these steps:

1. Research: Start by conducting research on the local biomes found in Nigeria. Biomes are large regions with similar climate, geography, and vegetation. Nigeria has diverse biomes, including rainforests, savannas, mangroves, and wetlands. Gather information about the types of biomes and their locations within Nigeria.

2. Obtain a map: Find a map of Nigeria either online or in print. You can search for maps of Nigeria's states or regions. Ensure that the map is detailed enough to clearly identify the state boundaries.

3. Identify the states: Look for the boundaries of the different states in Nigeria on the map. Each state has its own distinct set of local biomes.

4. Research state-specific biomes: Once you have identified the states on the map, research the specific biomes found within each state. For example, in Cross River State, you will find the Cross River rainforest, while in Kano State, you will find the Sudan Savannah.

5. Mark the biomes on the map: Use a colored pencil or a small icon to mark the areas representing different biomes within each state. Ensure that you clearly label each biome you identify.

Remember, it's important to cross-reference your research from reliable sources to ensure accurate information about Nigeria's local biomes.