What can u do to protect yourself from such a abuse on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook

To protect yourself from abuse on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook, you can follow these steps:

1. Review and adjust your privacy settings: Start by reviewing the privacy settings of your social media accounts. Limit the amount of personal information that is publicly available and customize settings to control who can see your posts, photos, and personal details.

2. Use strong, unique passwords: Ensure that you use strong and unique passwords for each of your social media accounts. Avoid using easily guessable passwords and consider using a password manager to securely keep track of your passwords.

3. Be cautious with friend requests and connections: Be mindful of who you accept as friends or connections on social media platforms. Verify the identity of individuals before accepting their requests, especially if you do not personally know them.

4. Report and block abusive users: If you encounter abusive or harassing behavior on social media, report it to the platform's support team. Most platforms have tools and mechanisms to report and block users who violate their terms of service. By reporting such behavior, you contribute to a safer online community.

5. Use moderation filters and settings: Leverage moderation filters and settings available on social media platforms to prevent unwanted comments or messages. Adjust your settings to automatically filter out offensive language or block certain keywords.

6. Avoid sharing overly personal information: Refrain from sharing too much personal information on social media, such as your phone number, home address, or financial details. This reduces the risk of your information being abused by others.

7. Think before you post: Always consider the potential consequences before sharing anything on social media. Be careful not to post anything that could be used against you or may attract unwanted attention.

8. Regularly review and update your profile: Regularly review your social media profiles and remove any unnecessary personal information or posts that may reveal too much about yourself.

Remember, no method is foolproof, but by taking these steps, you can significantly increase your security and protect yourself from abuse on social media platforms.