What should researchers do when they have found insufficient information on their topic?(1 point)

They should invent new information to flesh out the research.
They should invent new information to flesh out the research.

They should revise their inquiry strategy.
They should revise their inquiry strategy.

They should give up and start from the beginning with a new topic.
They should give up and start from the beginning with a new topic.

They should change nothing but try harder.
They should change nothing but try harder.

When researchers have found insufficient information on their topic, they should revise their inquiry strategy. Here's how they can do it:

1. Refine the research question: If the current research question is too broad or vague, researchers should narrow it down or make it more specific. This will help focus the research and potentially uncover more relevant information.

2. Expand the search parameters: Researchers should consider using different search terms or keywords related to their topic. They can also try different databases or sources to find additional information that may have been missed initially.

3. Explore alternative sources: Researchers should consider looking beyond traditional academic sources like books and journals. They can explore other mediums such as online articles, blogs, conferences, or interviews to find relevant information. Additionally, they can look for recent research or studies that may have not been published yet.

4. Consult with experts: Researchers can seek guidance from experts or professionals in the field who may have insights or additional resources related to the topic. They can reach out via email or participate in conferences or meetings to gain more information.

5. Adjust research methodology: If researchers are not finding sufficient information with their current research methods, they may need to consider different approaches or methodologies. For example, they can try qualitative interviews, surveys, experiments, or data collection from various sources.

6. Consider interdisciplinary perspectives: Researchers can explore related disciplines or fields that may provide insights or information about the topic. This interdisciplinary approach can help broaden the scope and potentially uncover relevant information.

It is important for researchers to realize that finding insufficient information on a topic is not uncommon. It requires perseverance, adaptability, and sometimes reevaluation of the research strategy.