ACD is a right triangle and line segment BE is parallel to the line segment CD. Where B is a point on side AC and E is a point on AD.

AB = 5 cm, BE = 3cm and CD = 9 cm
What is the perimeter of triangle ACD to the nearest tenth of a unit?

Here, Kindly explain how triangle ACD is similar to triangle ABE????

which are the right angles?

Whether the triangle is right-angled or not, since BE || CD, you have

2 pairs of angles equal, so the third angle pair must be equal
This makes the triangles similar by definition.

I made a sketch with your information and
AD/9 = 5/3
AD = 15, which makes DE = 10

As it stands, we cannot find the perimeter, since we know nothing about
the length of either AB or AC

If we know it is right-angles, and the question by "Anonymous" is valid,
then we could use Pythagoras to find those sides and then
you can find the perimeter.

To understand why triangles ACD and ABE are similar, we can use the concept of parallel lines and proportions.

Given that line segment BE is parallel to line segment CD, we can conclude that triangle ABE and triangle ACD are similar by the "AA" similarity theorem.

The "AA" similarity theorem states that if two angles of one triangle are congruent to two angles of another triangle, then the triangles are similar.

In this case, we can see that angle A of triangle ABE is congruent to angle A of triangle ACD since they are both right angles (90 degrees). Additionally, angle B of triangle ABE is congruent to angle C of triangle ACD because they are corresponding angles formed by parallel lines and a transversal.

So, triangle ABE and triangle ACD have two pairs of congruent angles, making them similar triangles.

To determine if triangle ACD is similar to triangle ABE, we need to check if their corresponding angles are congruent and if their corresponding sides are proportional.

1. Corresponding angles:
Since line segment BE is parallel to line segment CD, the alternate interior angles formed are congruent. Therefore, angle ABE is congruent to angle ACD.

2. Corresponding sides:
Given that AB = 5 cm, BE = 3 cm, and CD = 9 cm, we can see that the side AB corresponds to side AD and side BE corresponds to side EC. However, we do not have enough information to compare these sides because we don't know the length of side AD or EC.

As we only have one pair of corresponding angles and not enough information to confirm the proportional sides, we cannot determine if triangle ACD is similar to triangle ABE.

Therefore, the perimeter of triangle ACD cannot be calculated directly using the given information.