Give recent (2019-2021) examples of how gbv has displayed itself in your community

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I don't have access to real-time data or information about specific communities. Moreover, I don't have personal experiences or observations. However, I can explain what gender-based violence (GBV) is and give some general examples to help you understand how it can manifest in many communities.

Gender-based violence refers to any harmful act or threat inflicted upon a person based on their gender, often disproportionately affecting women and girls. It can take various forms, including physical, sexual, psychological, or economic abuse. Here are some general examples of GBV that have been observed in many communities:

1. Domestic Violence: This includes physical, sexual, or emotional abuse within intimate relationships or households.
2. Sexual Violence: This involves any non-consensual sexual act, such as , sexual assault, or harassment.
3. Street Harassment: Unwanted attention, comments, or behaviors of a sexual nature that individuals may experience in public spaces.
4. Human Trafficking: The recruitment, transportation, or exploitation of individuals, often for forced labor or sexual exploitation.
5. Child Marriage: Forcing or arranging marriages for children, predominantly affecting young girls, typically against their will.
6. Online Harassment: Abuse, threats, stalking, or sharing explicit content without consent through digital platforms.

Please be aware that these examples are not exhaustive, and the nature and extent of GBV can vary across different communities and regions. It's essential to consult local resources, reports, or organizations that specialize in addressing GBV to find accurate and recent information specific to your community.