In a paragraph, analyze the Mark Twain quote and identify his point of view about U.S. actions in Cuba and the Philippines.

From a Boston Herald transcript of a speech from 1900:

Oh, you have been doing many things in this time that I have been absent; you have done lots of things, some that are well worth remembering, too. Now, we have fought a righteous war since I have been gone, and that is rare in history—a righteous war is so rare that it is almost unknown in history, but by the grace of that war we set Cuba free, and we joined her to those three or four free nations that exist on this earth; and we started out to set those poor Filipinos free too, and why, why, why that most righteous purpose of ours has apparently miscarried I suppose I never shall know.


its connexus so if anyone has an answer pls help

In the given quote, Mark Twain expresses his thoughts on the actions of the United States in Cuba and the Philippines. He acknowledges that a war was fought during his absence and refers to it as a "righteous war" which is rare in history. This suggests that he sees the U.S. involvement in these countries as morally justified. He specifically mentions that through this war, Cuba was set free and joined a few other free nations in the world. In regards to the Philippines, Twain questions why their efforts to set the Filipinos free seem to have failed, implying disappointment or confusion regarding the outcome. Overall, Mark Twain's point of view seems to lean towards supporting the U.S. actions in Cuba but expressing skepticism or frustration about the situation in the Philippines.

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