A woman has two boxes of matches .she used five matches and has 75 matches left.howmany matches are in each box?


2=8divide both sides by 2
Therefore ,1 box contains 40 matches

Even though you miraculously came up with the right answer,

the statements leading up to that conclusion are all gibberish.

2 is not equal to 5+75 !
2/2 is not equal to 80/2

(If I were still teaching and this would be a 4 mark question, I would give
you 1 out of 4)

sample solution:
number of matches = the 5 spent + the 75 remaining
= 80 matches.

2 boxes contain 80 matches, therefore
1 box contains 80/2 or 40 matches.

Maybe, perhaps, Amina means

2 boxes = 5+75
2 boxes = 80
divide both sides by 2
2/2 = 1 box = 80/2
= 40
Therefore ,1 box contains 40 matches

To determine how many matches are in each box, we can use algebraic equations. Let's assume the number of matches in the first box is "x" and the number of matches in the second box is "y".

From the given information, we know that the woman used 5 matches, leaving her with 75 matches. This can be expressed as:

x + y - 5 = 75

To solve for either "x" or "y," we need an additional equation. If we assume that the number of matches in both boxes is the same, we can set up another equation:

x = y

Now we have a system of equations:

x + y - 5 = 75
x = y

To solve this system, we can substitute the value of "y" from the second equation into the first equation:

x + x - 5 = 75
2x - 5 = 75

Add 5 to both sides:

2x = 80

Divide both sides by 2:

x = 40

Since x represents the number of matches in each box, each box contains 40 matches. Therefore, there are 40 matches in each box.