
Carly wants to wrap a gift for her friend, but she needs to know how much wrapping paper to use. The gift is in the shape of a rectangular prism with dimensions of 12 inches wide, 3 inches tall, and 14 inches deep. How much wrapping paper will she need?

not allowing for overlap at the edges, the surface area of the box is just three pairs of rectangles, right? So the area is

2(12*3 + 12*14 + 3*14) = _____ in^2

To find the amount of wrapping paper Carly will need, we need to calculate the surface area of the rectangular prism.

The surface area of a rectangular prism can be found by adding up the areas of all six sides. The formula to calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism is:

Surface Area = 2 * (length * width + length * height + width * height)

Let's calculate the surface area using the given dimensions:

Width (W) = 12 inches
Height (H) = 3 inches
Depth (D) = 14 inches

Surface Area = 2 * (W * H + W * D + H * D)
= 2 * (12 * 3 + 12 * 14 + 3 * 14)
= 2 * (36 + 168 + 42)
= 2 * 246
= 492 square inches

Therefore, Carly will need 492 square inches of wrapping paper to wrap the gift.

To calculate the amount of wrapping paper Carly will need, we need to find the surface area of the rectangular prism.

The surface area of a rectangular prism can be calculated by adding together the areas of all its faces.

Let's calculate the area of each face:
1. The top and bottom faces each have dimensions of 12 inches wide by 14 inches deep, so each face has an area of 12 * 14 = 168 square inches.
2. The two side faces each have dimensions of 12 inches wide by 3 inches tall, so each face has an area of 12 * 3 = 36 square inches.
3. The front and back faces each have dimensions of 14 inches deep by 3 inches tall, so each face has an area of 14 * 3 = 42 square inches.

Now, let's calculate the total surface area by adding the areas of all the faces together:
2 * (168) + 2 * (36) + 2 * (42) = 336 + 72 + 84 = 492 square inches.

Therefore, Carly will need 492 square inches of wrapping paper for her gift.