If you are looking for information on NGOs that work specifically on addressing racism in South Africa, here's how you can go about finding them:

1. Start with a general search engine query: Begin by searching for "NGOs addressing racism in South Africa." This will provide you with a list of organizations that focus on this issue.

2. Consult online directories: Check online NGO directories that provide information about various organizations working in South Africa. Examples include NGO Pulse ( and Idealist ( These directories allow you to search by location and topic to find relevant NGOs.

3. Explore government resources: Visit the official government websites of South Africa to find information about initiatives, programs, and organizations that address racism. Look for departments or ministries responsible for social cohesion, human rights, or anti-racism efforts.

4. Get in touch with local institutions: Reach out to universities, research institutes, or community centers in South Africa. They may have their own initiatives or partnerships with NGOs focused on combating racism.

5. Seek recommendations and network: Utilize social media platforms, online forums, or community groups that discuss social issues in South Africa. Engage with people who are knowledgeable about the topic and seek their recommendations for NGOs working against racism.

Remember, it is important to critically evaluate the mission, approach, and impact of any NGO you come across to ensure their work aligns with your values and goals.