

1.-2. Water-balloon fights are fun until a balloon _s against your clothes, and they get _(e)d with cold water.

3.-4. Most viewers find the painting, with its dozens of dots on a white background, to be _. However, it's possible to figure out what the painting _ (e)s by mentally connecting the dots.
5.-6. I feel it's a waste of energy to retaliate when someone has injured me, but my sister is always trying to get even with people. Her _ attitude is to _ her relationships with family and friends

7.-8. It's that the book Live Simple on Little Money has made the author wealthy, since a(n) message of the book is that the author himself requires little money.

9.-10. Gerry feels people should "lose their but I think people who are altogether, (e)s" and do whatever they feel like doing, in self-control have poor manners.,

We do not do your homework for you. Although it might take more effort to do the work on your own, you will profit more from your effort. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

What are your responses?

1. When a water balloon bursts against your clothes, it can leave them soaked with cold water. The act of bursting is described as "rupture," and the effect it has on your clothes is that they become "saturated" with water.

2. To understand the meaning of inhibition, we need to look at the context. In this case, it refers to the hesitation or restraint you may feel when participating in a water-balloon fight due to the fear of getting wet. The balloons being filled with cold water adds to the inhibiting factor.

3. The usage of "deficient" suggests that viewers may find the painting lacking or incomplete. On the other hand, the term "detrimental" indicates that the painting, as a whole, can be harmful or unfavorable to most viewers.

4. The word "depict" means to represent or portray. In this context, it suggests that the painting may convey a hidden meaning or message that can be deciphered by mentally connecting the dots.

5. "Vindictive" describes someone who has a strong desire for revenge or the need to get even with others. This attitude can be detrimental to their relationships with family and friends.

6. The phrase "her implicit attitude" implies that her vindictive nature is underlying or understood without being directly expressed. This can harm her relationships as she seeks to retaliate against those who have injured her.

7. The statement underscores the irony present in the situation. The book's message is about living simply and with little money. However, the author has become wealthy as a result of this very book.

8. The term "implicit" suggests that the author's wealth is not directly stated or explicitly mentioned in the book. It is an ironic consequence of advocating for a minimalist lifestyle.

9. "Ironic" indicates a situation or statement that is contrary to what is expected or intended. In this case, this irony lies in Gerry's belief that people should lose their self-control and do whatever they please, while in reality, people who lack self-control tend to have poor manners.

10. The use of "saturate" in this context suggests that people who lack self-control are completely consumed or overwhelmed by their desires and impulses, leading to poor manners and a disregard for social etiquette.

1. Rupture against your clothes

2. Saturated with cold water
3. Depiction
4. Inhibits
5. Vindictive
6. Detrimental to jeopardize
7. Ironic
8. Implicit
9. Deficient
10. Saturation in self-control