An animal-rescue plane flying due east at

30 m/s drops a bale of hay from an altitude of
65 m .
The acceleration due to gravity is
9.81 m/s^2
If the bale of hay weighs 182 N , what is the
momentum of the bale the moment it strikes
the ground?
What angle of inclination will the bale strike?

how long does it take to hit the ground?

4.9t^2 = 65
t = 3.64s
horizontal speed is constant: 30
vertical speed is v = gt = 9.81*3.64 = 35.73
momentum is |p| = m|v| = 182/9.81 √(30^2 + 35.73^2)
it hits at an angle θ where tanθ = 35.73/30