Two words 10 letters total _ _ _ _a_ _ _ _e

To find the answer to your question, we can start by analyzing the given information. From the provided clue, we know that there are two words with a total of ten letters. The letters "a" and "e" are known to be in the second word, and the other letters are unknown.

To determine the missing letters, we can proceed by considering different possibilities. Since we are not provided with any additional clues, we can try using trial and error or brainstorming to come up with potential combinations of letters that fit the given criteria.

One possible solution based on the given information is:

- First word: 3 letters (unknown)
- Second word: 7 letters (with "a" and "e" in positions 2 and 6, respectively)

For example, the words "example" and "puzzle" fit these criteria. However, there can be multiple correct answers as we do not have more specific information.

It's important to note that without any further clues or constraints, we cannot guarantee a unique solution.