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A balanced experiment requires that?

A. at least one sample equal size is 30.
B. the number of treatments equals the number of samples.
C. at least two treatment groups be used.
D. an equal number of persons or test units receives each treatment

To answer this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the requirements for a balanced experiment: A balanced experiment refers to a design where equal consideration is given to each treatment group or sample. In such experiments, the effects of different treatments can be properly assessed.

2. Read through the options provided:
A. at least one sample equal size is 30.
B. the number of treatments equals the number of samples.
C. at least two treatment groups be used.
D. an equal number of persons or test units receives each treatment.

3. Compare each option to the requirements of a balanced experiment:
A. This option suggests that at least one sample should have an equal size of 30. While equal sample sizes can be desirable in some cases, it is not a strict requirement for a balanced experiment.

B. This option states that the number of treatments should equal the number of samples. This aligns with the requirements of a balanced experiment. Each treatment group should have an equal number of samples to ensure fairness and eliminate potential bias.

C. This option indicates that at least two treatment groups should be used. This is a valid requirement for a balanced experiment since having multiple treatment groups allows for comparing the effects of different treatments accurately.

D. This option suggests that an equal number of persons or test units should receive each treatment. This aligns with the requirements of a balanced experiment as it ensures that each treatment is given equal representation and reduces the possibility of confounding factors.

4. Evaluate the options based on the above analysis:
- Option A does not align with the requirements of a balanced experiment.
- Option B aligns with the requirements of a balanced experiment.
- Option C aligns with the requirements of a balanced experiment.
- Option D aligns with the requirements of a balanced experiment.

5. Determine the correct answer:
Based on the analysis, the correct answer would be B. The number of treatments equals the number of samples. This option reflects the requirement of a balanced experiment, where each treatment group should have an equal number of samples.