Give recent 2019 to 2021 examples of gender-based violence has displayed itself in the

To find recent examples of gender-based violence that have been reported in the years 2019 to 2021, you can follow the steps below:

1. Conduct an online search: Use a search engine like Google and enter relevant keywords such as "recent gender-based violence cases 2019-2021" or "high-profile instances of gender-based violence in the last three years." This will help you find news articles, reports, and resources that document specific incidents.

2. Check reliable news sources: Look for reputable news outlets or organizations that cover these issues extensively. Examples include international news agencies like BBC, Reuters, The Guardian, or CNN, as well as reputable human rights organizations and women's rights groups.

3. Explore official reports and resources: Visit websites of entities that focus on gender-based violence, such as the United Nations Women, the World Health Organization (WHO), or local organizations working on these issues. They often publish reports and studies that provide a comprehensive view of recent incidents.

4. Review local news sources and databases: If you're specifically interested in incidents in a particular country or region, search for local news outlets, government databases, or legal databases that may contain information on gender-based violence cases.

By using these steps, you should be able to find recent examples of gender-based violence that have occurred between 2019 and 2021. Remember to critically evaluate the sources and cross-reference multiple reports to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Certainly, here are a few recent examples of gender-based violence that have occurred between 2019 and 2021:

1. Sarah Everard Case (2021): In March 2021, Sarah Everard, a 33-year-old woman, went missing while walking home in London. Unfortunately, her body was later found, and a police officer was charged with her kidnapping and murder. This case sparked widespread conversations and protests against gender-based violence and harassment.

2. Delhi Gang (2019): In December 2019, a 23-year-old woman was brutally gang- on a bus in New Delhi, India. The incident reignited public outrage and protests against gender-based violence and the lack of safety for women in public spaces.

3. Turkey's Withdrawal from Istanbul Convention (2021): In March 2021, Turkey announced its withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, a treaty aimed at preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. This decision led to protests within the country, as many saw it as a setback for gender equality and protection against violence.

4. Femicides in Latin America: Numerous cases of femicides (the killing of women based on their gender) have occurred in various Latin American countries. For example, in Mexico, there has been an alarming increase in feminicides, with high-profile cases like the murders of Ingrid Escamilla and Fátima Cecilia Aldrighett sparking nationwide outrage and demands for action.

5. #MeToo Movement: The #MeToo movement gained momentum in 2017 and continued to have a significant impact in the following years. It brought attention to the widespread issue of sexual harassment and assault across various industries, including Hollywood, politics, and workplaces worldwide. Numerous high-profile individuals faced consequences for their behavior, highlighting the prevalence of gender-based violence and the need for change.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and gender-based violence occurs globally in various forms. These examples serve to illustrate some prominent instances that have gained significant attention between 2019 and 2021.